About me!

I am a Software engineering PhD student in the Department of Software Engineering and IT at Ecole de technologie superieure (ETS), University of Quebec. I work on my Ph.D with Prof. Ali Ouni and Prof. Mohammed Sayagh in the Software Technology and Intelligence Research Lab (STIL).

I hold a Master’s degree in Enterprises Systems Engineering, which I obtained in 2017 from the University of Sfax. During my master studies, I focused on identifying aesthetic defects in user interfaces of Android apps. This research led to the publication of journal papers, where we explored various aspects of user interface design. Building on this experience, I pursue a Ph.D. degree with a specialization in analyzing the quality of configuration and Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) code. During my Ph.D. research, I delve into machine learning techniques and Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE) to facilitate the identification and analysis of configuration code. Specifically, my focus is on building recommendation systems that could provide valuable assistance to developers in their configuration tasks.

By leveraging the power of machine learning algorithms and SBSE methodologies, we aim to develop intelligent systems that could understand the context and requirements of a software project and provide accurate and relevant recommendations for configuration tasks.